LibertyPay PayByLink
LibertyPay PayByLink is a flexible and reliable payment method, enabling you to send customised payment links direct to your customers’ email addresses.
Benefits of PayByLink
- Always process secure transactions and keep merchant account charges to a minimum
- Say 'goodbye' to physical terminals and hardware; take payments anywhere that has Internet access
- Multiple people can take secure payments at the same time, from different locations, at no extra cost
- Have all your payment transactions in one simple system
Save Time and Money
Taking card payments over the phone can be time consuming, especially for small businesses with minimal resource. PayByLink frees up your time. Simply log into your MMS account and email the customer a link to a secure payment page for that transaction.
This payment method also allows you to benefit from lower ECOM charges on your merchant account.
PayNow Button
The PayNow button is a great feature for e-Commerce websites using individual payment pages for each product. It eliminates the need to use a shopping cart or basket.
A unique link to a secure payment page can be generated and embedded within your website as a PayNow button for each product. Simply click the button and literally ‘PayNow’!
Donation Button
Similar to the PayNow button, a ‘donation’ button encourages your customers to give to your chosen charity. The main difference between the two button options it that the donation button allows your customer to specify the amount they wish to donate.
Payment Gateway Fees
We recognise that all organisations are different, which is why we take the time to understand how you want to process payments and build the most appropriate package for you.
For more information about pay by link and the services we provide, please contact our friendly sales team on 0333 123 1246 or email