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LibertyPay e-Commerce

Fraud Screening

LibertyPay takes fraud seriously by helping to protect your business from fraudsters using all available security measures, to include:

  • Address Verification (AVS) – Matching the address that is given at the point of transaction with the address registered with the card issuer
  • Security Code (CV2) - Checking the 3 or 4 digit code on the back of the card with the card issuer's database
  • IP address checking - Checking where the transaction is coming from
  • 3D-Secure - Checking whether the customer has entered their unique authentication correctly


LibertyPay’s rates also include our PayByLink function. This function enables you to integrate a PayNow button in your website, by which you can then send a link direct to your customers’ email accounts for a smooth, fast transaction.

This feature also enables you to send e-invoices via email link.

Real Time Reporting

Real time reporting has never been easier. LibertyPay enables you to monitor your transactions in real time so you can view, download, print and export your transaction reports. Simply log in to your Merchant Management System (MMS) account to monitor all your transactions.

Multiple Websites

With LibertyPay you don't need to pay for the same service twice! We have set up our payment gateway to allow you to have multiple websites under the same gateway account.

Scheduled and Repeat Transactions

The design and functionality of our system is hugely important to us, so it has been developed to make regular transactions as simple as possible. You can easily set up scheduled and repeat transactions for returning customers using our MMS, helping to maintain steady cash flow.


LibertyPay has 4 integration methods:

  • Direct API (Application Programme Interface) Integration – a safer and more customer-friendly and intuitive e-commerce solution
  • Transparent Redirect – the payment page looks to be hosted by you without card details ever touching your systems
  • Hosted Payment Form – the most robust solution for PCI Compliance taking the customer to a hosted page that then redirects to your website post transaction
  • PayNow button, using the PayByLink feature – allows you to create unique, customised payment links to secure hosted payment pages

Unlimited Users

You can add as many users as you need to the payment gateway platform, at no extra cost. We also give you the ability to define all user permissions for enhanced security.

Fully Fault Tolerant

LibertyPay supports merchants with 100% uptime by having geographically dispersed datacentres and a live-live back up system – for your peace of mind.

Web Development and Design

Through our partners we can support you with web development and design, helping you integrate your payment gateway. Whether you want to build a new website or wish to enhance your existing online shop, please contact us for more information.

Merchant Account

In order to take payments online, you will need a Merchant Account. We are able to provide you with the most competitive deal from our panel of providers.


Take your payment options to the next level by offering your customers FREE storage and retrieval of card details. It doesn't cost us anything, so why should you pay?

LibertyPay offers a wide range of payment solutions to support you and your business.

For more information about ecommerce and the services we provide, please contact our friendly sales team on 0333 123 1246 or email cs@paya.group

Payments By Phone
Payments By Phone
A simple way to take payments, that is hassle-free and easy to set up.
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Pay By Link
Pay By Link
Flexible and reliable payments, enabling you to send payment links directly to your customers.
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Including fraud screening, real-time reporting and unlimited users.
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Shopping Carts
Shopping Carts
LibertyPay integrates with a wide variety of shopping carts, billing platforms, booking systems and e-Commerce platforms to ensure you get the most from your website.
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