LibertyPay is committed to assisting its customers with the provision of information to recover Gift Aid on eligible donations across all channels.
We can now support Gift Aid collection across a whole range of our services.
Gift Aid is currently available on all digital channel donation pages including our recently launched MyGivingHub which enables donors to match up their giving via our contactless devices as well as online. This is achieved using tokenisation which recognises when the same cardholder has used their card in both environments.
In addition to this, we can now offer you the ability to collect Gift Aid from donations taken on Payter devices as well as those processed via our DonationsApp. To find out which devices are compatible with our DonationsApp, please look out for the 'Gift Aid Compatible' badge.
Features & Benefits
- Simple service compared to other solutions
- Full Gift Aid uplift on all eligible donations
- Gift Aid on contactless donations
- Minimal administration. Gift Aid reports are available in your Charity Portal selectable by date range
- Gift Aid information is provided for FREE and there is no additional charge on the amount recovered
- LibertyPay’s multichannel tokenization allows donors to add Gift Aid to any donation made on their registered cards within the past 4 years
- Registration of donors can be encouraged by QR Codes, NFC Tags or via Web address
- LibertyPay partners can be introduced to assist you with Gift Aid recovery
LibertyPay now offers
- Collection of Donor data for the organisation to reclaim its own Gift Aid or reclaim via its agent and Gift Aid declarations across its digital channels.
- Capture and recovery of Gift Aid across its digital channels, contactless solutions and our recently launched MyGivingHub.
- Management of registered donors and their multiple card declarations for recurring donations.
- Matching of contactless donations of registered donors.

For more information about LibertyPay and the services we provide, please contact our friendly sales team on 0333 123 1246 or email